Visit the Amazing Heavenly Paradise Daycare Near Me, Chicago

Enrolling your child in daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten early can be very beneficial for both your child and you. It can promote the development of essential skills that will help them stay ahead during their educational career, and it can help manage the often chaotic transition from preschool to formal schooling. Learn more about the advantages of early kindergarten enrollment here.

Daycare in Chicago near Illinois
Daycare in Chicago near Illinois
Welcome to Heavenly Paradise – The Phenomenal Daycare in Chicago
Welcome to Heavenly Paradise – The Phenomenal Daycare in Chicago
Welcome to Heavenly Paradise – The Phenomenal Daycare in Chicago
Welcome to Heavenly Paradise – The Phenomenal Daycare in Chicago
24 7 hours open daycare in Chicago

Cognitive Development :
daycare Near me, preschool & kindergarten also plays an important role in a child’s social and emotional growth. In addition to learning academic concepts, children get the opportunity to socialize with their peers, develop interpersonal relationships, practice problem-solving skills and learn how to interact in a group setting. Early daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten enrollment provides ample opportunities for children to develop their social and emotional skills while discovering a love of learning.

best daycare in Chicago

Early Exposure to Academics :
Early enrollment in daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten provides young children with exposure to academic material and concepts before starting first grade. This exposure can give young children a head start when it comes to understanding the foundational principles of math, reading and writing that they’ll later build upon in higher grade levels. Additionally, students who start daycare near me & preschool & Kindergarten early may find themselves feeling better prepared and more confident going into the first grade setting.

Flexible hours day care
paradise daycare in Chicago and near areas

Improved Self-Discipline Skills :
Starting daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten early can also help equip young children with the self-discipline skills they will need in order to succeed in a classroom setting. Early enrollment provides an introduction to things like basic discipline and organization, following directions, and interacting with other children. Having a few extra months of practicing these skills can not only make them more comfortable, but it can also give them an advantage over their peers who may be unfamiliar or uneasy with the expectations of a traditional educational setting.

Increased Confidence and Independence:
Early enrollment into daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten can also provide a sense of self-confidence and independence for young children. Often, when children start daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten late, they may lack the self-esteem of children who have had more time to practice these skills. Starting early gives young students more time to become comfortable in the classroom setting, and to learn how to navigate the expectations of their peers and teachers. This can lead to greater feelings of confidence and independence among students, which will help them in all aspects of their school career.

Our daycare near me & preschool & kindergarten want your kid to go home with a full tummy and all the homework done so you can enjoy the time with them and listen to their non-stop stories of the fun-filled day they had.


Welcome to Heavenly Paradise – The Phenomenal Daycare in Chicago

Call today to register your child (773-272-6220)

What we do

A family owned and operated daycare center

Heavenly Paradise is a dream that we all pursue; in some form or another all we desire is comfort and care, and in the pursuit of paradise we are stuck in the hustle-bustle of life. In today’s fast-paced life, it is hard to stay at home and take care of the little one. However, it is harder to entrust your little everything with a professional Daycare Center. This was the only thought that motivated Erum Macci to quit her IT job and create a trusted agency where toddlers could flourish in full bloom. Ms. Macci, a mother of three is a qualified engineer and has worked in different capacities in the IT industry for over a decade. She is now working towards this endeavor to provide a home away from home to the little loved ones including the three of her own.

Having read all this about us, we wish (obviously with your consent) that you and your little one visit us for a cup of coffee anytime during business hours and rest assured; We will take care!!